Introduction To Hazardous Materials Transportation
CourseFulfill the required General Awareness training with this quick introduction to the world of Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods tranpsortation regulations. About 1-hour length.
49CFR Training - Awareness & Function Specific
BundleThis bundle includes General Awareness and Function Specific training for the shipment of Hazardous Materials within the United States. The focus is on non-bulk ground shipments with examples. Downloads include manuals, handouts and checklists.
IATA/ICAO DG by Air Awareness & Function Specific
BundleThis bundle includes General Awareness and Function Specific training for the shipment of Dangerous Goods by Air (IATA/ICAO). The focus is on non-bulk air shipments with examples. Downloads include manuals, handouts and checklists.
Small Battery Transport (2025)
CoursePackaging and Shipping rules for small Lithium, NiCad, NiMH, Alkaline, Zinc and Non-Spillable Lead Acid batteries. U.S., International Air and Ocean requirements for "excepted", "Section II" and "SP188" lithium batteries. 2-hour length.
Materials of Trade Exception
CourseMaster the rules for transporting hazardous materials in the U.S. under the Materials of Trade exception (49CFR 173.6). Chemicals, equipment, and other hazmat can be transported on your vehicle under this easy to understand rule. About 1 hour length.
Biological Substances, Category B and Exceptions
CourseRegulatory training for classifying, preparing, and offering shipments of Biological Substances, Category B, preservatives, a few useful exceptions (Patient Specimens, licensed products, and others) and Dry Ice used as a coolant. 2 hours length.